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Mini Scientist 2018

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Class

We participated in a Mini-Scientist competition in November 2018. We worked individually and in groups to investigate and carry out an experiment. We presented our work on posters and used 3D models where possible too. Some of our projects included: ‘Why are some stains harder to remove? How does the heart work? What are drones and how do they work? Red cabbage as a pH indicator.

Senior Infants have participated in lots of scientific investigations!

Senior Infants in the garden

Ms. Hurley's Senior Infants planted daffodil bulbs in the school garden in the Autumn. We also planted bulbs in our classroom in recycled containers. During Winter and Spring we compared and contrasted the growth outside with the progress inside.


 STEM Floating Vs Sinking

Senior Infants tested an array of objects to see if they would float or sink. After our testing we carried out predictions and then backed up our findings with further testing.


Senior Infants carried out construction and engineering experiments. We tested out the variables in height, weight and strength and adjusted our designs accordingly.

Fifth Class Landing a Lander

Rte, News2day




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Our Lady of the Wayside N.S.

18 Ballybetagh Road,


Dublin 18


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