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Discovery Primary Science and Maths Award

Log of Evidence 2017/2018

Welcome to our submission for the Discovery Primary Science and Maths Award 2018. 

Our Lady of the Wayside National School - D011


***Links to all work in Orange***


STEP 1: Science

(6 hands-on science investigation, with at least one from each of the four strands)


Living Things:

  • Flower Experiments, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Growing Seeds, 2nd class, Ms Annett

  • Incredible Edible Project, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly and Ms Annett

  • Minibeast Hunt, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Class Plants, 4th class, Ms Klein

  • Emperor Penguins, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • The Lungs, 5th class, Ms Travers and Ms Grier-Gavin

  • Hatching Chicks


Energy and Forces:

  • Friction Rockets, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly and 5th Ms Travers

  • Strongest Shapes, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly and 5th Ms Travers

  • Floating and Sinking - Design a Boat, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Helicopters, 1st class, Ms Martin

  • Investigating Light, Shadows and Reflections, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Magnets, Magnetic Maze and Fishing, 1st class, Ms Martin

  • Sound and String Telephones, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Forces, Friction, Push and Pull, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Strongest Shapes, 6th class, Ms Burns

  • Static Electricity, 5th class, Ms Grier-Gavin

  • Exploring light - shadows, reflections and how it travels, 6th class and 2nd class, Ms Burns and Ms Annett

  • Parachutes, 3rd class, Ms Gibson and Snr Infants, Ms Hurley

  • Electricity, 5th class, Ms Travers

  • Magnetism, 4th class Ms Klein and Junior Infants, Ms McCarthy



  • Frankenworms, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly and 5th Ms Travers

  • Inflatable Pumpkins, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly and 5th Ms Travers

  • Slime, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly and 5th Ms Travers

  • Lava Lamps2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Red Cabbage Tests2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Waterproof materials, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly and 5th Ms Travers

  • Dissolving, 5th class, Ms Travers

  • Halloween Ooblek, 5th class, Ms Travers

  • Separating Materials, 5th class, Ms Travers

  • Valentine Love Potion, 5th class, Ms Travers

  • Making Ink, 6th class, Ms Burns

  • Mixing Colours, 1st Class, Ms Martin

  • Making Butter, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Volcanoes2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Colour Rainbow, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Ice Melting,  2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Ooblek, 4th class, Ms Klein


Environmental Awareness and Care:

  • Nature Walk, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Leave no trace, 4th class, Ms Dunne

  • The Water Cycle, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Renewable Sources of Energy; Solar Panels and Wind Turbines, 6th class, Ms Burns

  • Autumn Leaves and Nature Table, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Walkability Survey, 4th class, Ms Klein

  • Why is the North Pole melting faster than the South Pole?, 4th class, Ms Klein


Science Week Events:


Science Speaker:

  • OzobotsChris Madden paid a visit to 6th class and they had fun making a path for the 'Ozobot' to travel along. 


Space Events:

  • Space Song and Art, 4th class, Ms Klein

  • The Moon, 2nd class, Ms Annett

  • Falling in Space, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Planet Projects, 3rd class, Ms Gibson

  • Space Exploration, 1st class, Ms Martin



STEP 2: Technology

(2 or more examples of the children using ICT)


Technology in our school:



STEP 3: Engineering

(2 or more examples of the children investigating engineering in the class or local area)


Design and making activities:

  • Pumpkin Catapults, 2nd class and 5th class, Ms Donnelly and Ms Travers

  • Robots, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Go Cart Track, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Hot air Balloons, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Playground, 1st class, Ms Martin

  • Wigglebots, 5th class, Ms Travers

  • Easter Basket, 5th class, Ms Travers


STEP 4: Mathematics

(2 or more examples of the children using their mathematical skills as part of science work)


Mathematics in our school:​

  • Number Day, Whole School

  • Math Trails, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Math Stations, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • IZAK9 Cubes, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Estimating and Measuring, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Angles, 2nd class, Ms Donnelly

  • Volume and Capacity, 6th class, Ms Burns

  • Problem Solving, 3rd class, Ms Gibson

  • Maths Trail, 6th class, Ms Burns

  • Measuring, 4th class, Ms Dunne

  • 3D Shapes, 4th class, Ms Dunne

  • Maths in 3rd class, Ms Gibson

  • Maths in 4th class, Ms Klein


STEP 5: STEM Showcase


Presenting Science work:






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Our Lady of the Wayside N.S.

18 Ballybetagh Road,


Dublin 18


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