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Living Things

The Flower Experiment

Living Things > Plants and Animals

2nd class, Ms Donnelly
































Minibeast Hunt

Living Things > Variety and characteristics of living things

2nd class, Ms Donnelly























The Emperor Penguins

Living Things > Plants and Animals > Processes of Life

2nd class, Ms Donnelly
























Class Plants

Living Things > Plants and Animals > Variety and Characteristics of Living Things

4th class, Ms Klein






















The Lungs

Living Things > Human Life

5th classes, Ms Grier-Gavin and Ms Travers



























The Incredible Edible Project

Living Things > Plants and Animals

2nd classes, Ms Donnelly & Ms Annett























Planting Seeds

Living Things > Plants and Animals

2nd class, Ms Annett



















Hatching Chicks

Living Things > Plants and Animals



- White Carnations

- Food Colouring

- Cups

- Water

- Scissors


Second class have been learning about procedure writing in literacy. One of the procedures, The Flower Experiment, showed us how to investigate what happens when cut flowers are placed in coloured water. We added food colouring to cups of water and placed the white flowers in the coloured water. We watched them change colour over the week. We discussed the parts of the plant; stem, leaves and petals. We talked about what plants need in order to survive. We learned that the water travelled up through the stem and into the leaves and petals of the plants. We imagined that the plant's stem has tiny tubes carrying water up through the flowers. We turned our white flowers orange, green, red and yellow.

We have being looking at insects and minibeasts and went on a minibeast hunt in our school garden. We used a key to help us to identify some of the minibeasts in our garden. We looked in the places that we knew some of the minibeasts like to live, for example, in dark and damp places like under stones and timber.

Our study of Antarctica led us to look at the Emperor Penguin. We learned about what they eat and how they survive in such harsh conditions. We learned about the penguin's habitat, what they look like and how they move on the ice and through the water.  We learned about the life cycle of the Emperor Penguin and we wrote reports about the Emperor Penguin. We recreated Antarctica using dioramas and placed our Emperor Penguins in their habitats. 

Fourth class got new class plants!

We got a cactus, an evergreen shrub and a flowering hyacinth. Dora, Caoimhe and Gracie are taking care of watering them at the moment.


  • Develop a simple understanding of the structure of some of the body’s major internal and external organs

  • Become aware of and investigate breathing


We made a model of the respiratory system using a plastic cup, straws, balloons, blue tack and masking tape. The balloons represented the lungs and the large balloon at the base represented the diaphragm. Inhalation and exhalation were demonstrated by the downward and upward movement of the large balloon or diaphragm.

Second class are taking part in the Incredible Edible Programme and have began planting vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, lettuce and spinach. We looked at what seeds and plants need in order to grow and survive. We placed our seeds in soil and watered them. We read about the lifecycle of the Oak Tree and labelled plant parts - root, stem and leaves. We are looking forward to watching our vegetables grow.

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18 Ballybetagh Road,


Dublin 18


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