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Green-Schools Report 2021


So far, we have received 4 Green Schools flags in Our Lady of the Wayside:


Litter and Waste

The Litter and Waste flag was the first one we received in Our Lady of the Wayside. When completing this flag, we focused on waste issues in the school and encouraged a sense of responsibility among all pupils when it came to disposing of litter.


When completing our Energy flag, we looked at the steps which can be taken at school to reduce energy consumption and raise awareness of climate change.


Our third flag, Water, aimed to bring awareness around conservation of water and how to effectively manage such an important resource in our school.


The flag we have most recently been awarded was for travel. When completing this flag we aimed to increase the number of students walking, cycling, scooting, and using public transport or carpooling to school with initiatives such as “March on Máirt”. To do this, we arranged with the Golden Ball to allow us to ‘Park and Stride’ on Tuesdays. This meant that all families were encouraged to park at the Golden Ball and to walk the rest of the way to school.


What’s next for Green Schools in Our Lady of the Wayside?


The next flag we are working towards is out Biodiversity flag. While the recent pandemic has delayed furthering our plan, we have already started to look at increasing awareness in schools of the importance of native plants, animals and habitats. Every class has access to the school garden with an area for planting. Watch this space for more…!




Action Day 2018

26th February 2018

Dear Parents,


As you are all aware we are currently aiming to receive our 4th Green Flag for transport. Thank you so much to those of you who have done your best to participate in March on Máirt so far this year.


On Friday we will have our ‘Action Day’ in school. We would like to encourage all children to walk/cycle/car pool or park and stride to school on Friday as well as the usual Tuesday. Our aim is to have as few cars at the school as possible on Friday!


The children are asked to wear green to school on Friday and have ‘funky feet’. What we mean by funky feet is something unusual with their shoes! Maybe two different runners or shoes. Or the children might choose to revamp their runners altogether by adding jewels/ feathers or anything of their choosing!


Finally, if you want to join in at home, the children will be learning ‘Walking on Sunshine’ by Katrina and the Waves for Friday. So put it on and have a dance along!


Many Thanks for your continued support,


The Green Schools Committee.

green schools logo.jpg
green schools logo.jpg

March An Máirt Survey 13/02/2018


March An Máirt Survey 30/01/2018 VS. 06/02/2018

March An Máirt Survey 30/01/2018

March An Máirt Survey 23/01/2018 VS. 30/01/2018

March An Máirt

4th class surveying the March on Máirt route with Ms Garland & Ms Klein

The Green Schools Committee completed a weekly survey to see which class is the ‘greenest’ each week.


 How to find us


Our Lady of the Wayside N.S.

18 Ballybetagh Road,


Dublin 18


 Quick Links



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We are a nut free school!

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